Live Radio Broadcast on Crime and Murder in Society Part 2 of 7

July 11, 2020 947 Views

Our brother, Abul-Hasan Maalik appeared live this week on Philadelphia morning radio to discuss the recent unfortunate criminal activities which have led to Muslims, and Salafis in particular, being unjustly painted with the taint of crime, violence and extremism. In particular, this was part of a campaign to clarify the gross inaccuracies and outright fabrications contained in the article, “The Radicals Among Us”, written by Matthew Teague and printed in the February 2009 issue of Philadelphia magazine. and He also took live calls from callers about the topic at hand other topics about Islam. Please note that this recording of the live show has been edited for content by and all extraneous and irrelevant portions have been omitted to keep the overall message intact.Live Radio Broadcast on Crime and Murder in Society. The full MP3 audio file of this radio transmission can be downloaded from

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